Bishop John Fleming launched Fr. Brendan Hoban’s new book, Telling the Story, A Dictionary of Killala Clergy on Thursday June 2nd.
The launch was organised by the Diocese of Killala and was held in the Newman Institute, Ballina.
Telling the Story, A Dictionary of Killala Clergy is the third book of a three volume series of Readings in Killala Diocesan History by Brendan Hoban.
Fr. Brendan was joined by his family, colleagues, parishioners and friends to celebrate this very significant milestone for our diocese.
(Copies are available in The Pastoral Centre, Ballina, Eason’s Ballina, Belmullet Parish Office, and locally in parishes throughout the diocese.)
Read Fr. Kevin Hegarty’s Address
Read Fr. Brendan Hoban’s Address

Fr. Brendan Hoban pictured at the launch of his book “Telling The Story, A Dictionary of Killala Clergy” in the Newman Institute with Bishop of Killala Most Rev. Dr. John Fleming who launched this most impressive chronicle, dictionary and history of Killala Diocesan Clergy. Pictures Henry Wills.

A large crowd attended the launch of Fr. Brendan Hoban’s new book in the Newman Institute. Representatives from all of the parishes in the Diocese of Killala joined with Fr. Brendan and his family, colleagues and friends to celebrate a very important milestone for our diocese.

Fr. Brendan Hoban pictured at the launch of his book with friend, historian and fellow author Fr. Kevin Hegarty.

Fr. Brendan with Helen Murphy, Administrator of the Newman Institute, Anne Sweeney and Kathleen Duffy.