Preparing for Pentecost

Preparing for Pentecost

In preparation for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost,  you may find the attached prayer services helpful for prayer in the home. Please click here for Day One – Friday, May 29th Please click here for Day Two – Saturday, May 30th Please...
World Communications Day

World Communications Day

The 54th World Day of Social Communications will be celebrated on Sunday 24 May – the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord. Pope Francis has chosen to reflect on theme of storytelling in his message this year. In the intro to his message on the theme “That you...
Laudato Si’ Week 2020

Laudato Si’ Week 2020

Next week, 16-24 May, is Laudato Si’ Week 2020. Laudato Si’ Week marks the fifth anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical on care for our common home. The theme of Laudato Si’ Week 2020 is “everything is connected.” Pope Francis has...