Pope Francis

Pope Francis

The poor save us because they show us the face of Christ.   Pope Francis’ message for the Third World Day of the Poor has been released by the Vatican. The day will be observed on Sunday 17th November on the theme “The hope of the poor shall not perish...
June 2nd

June 2nd

Resources for World Communications Day 2019  The World Day of Social Communications will be formally celebrated on Sunday 2 June – the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord – which falls on the Sunday before Pentecost Sunday. Pope Francis has chosen the...
Vocations Sunday

Vocations Sunday

Pope’s Message for Vocations Sunday The courage to take a risk for God’s promise Dear Brothers and Sisters, After the lively and fruitful experience of the Synod devoted to young people last October, we recently celebrated the Thirty-fourth World Youth Day in...
Placing Hope in Faith – Stage 2 – 2019

Placing Hope in Faith – Stage 2 – 2019

Following on from our Diocesan Assembly last July, where over 300 delegates from all 22 parishes in our diocese voted on 129 proposals, Stage 2 continues apace with Focus Groups dedicated to ten areas of pastoral concern. Focus Group meetings commenced in March and...